A New Day

12/19/2017 21:46

Friend, today is a new day!

The past is the past.

Leave it there.

Everybody has experienced something terrible that causes them to deny God.

That is satan's main focus.

He desires to cause us to turn away from God and deny the Saviour.

Has this happened to you?

God will sort it out if you allow Him.

Pray for those who spitefully abuse you.

Pray for them because they are the ones with the problem.

Tell God all about how you feel!

It's important that you speak to Him on every matter that concerns you. 

You will get glimpses into your situation because you are trusting that God is listening.

He will not deny you your sanity. He will give you Peace that passes understanding.

Give Him everything and submit yourself to His Will to know He is working to bring you into the Perfection of Christ.

Thank God for His Intervention in your life.

Praise Him because you know He is Good and is weaving all things together for His and your Good.

Trust Him.

He is the only One you can trust fully.

Prayers will help others to see their wrongful ways as God deals with them, and give you a sense of release from the situation.

If you are the one who has wronged others then quickly turn to God. Ask for His help and agree with Him to change and be made new by the Blood of Christ. 

If you do not know that you're the cause of others sorrow, ask God to show you if you are, and to help you amend the wrongs by being an active participant with God in your recovery, and restoration of relationships with those who you have caused grief.

God is always in control but He needs our cooperation for things to be carried out. The longer we leave the matter in our own hands, the longer it takes, as God allows us to have the control; but the minute we give Him control freely and trust Him, we begin to heal and are able to be free of the thoughts of anger and helplessness.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

Yes today is a new day. and your life is awaiting you.


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