Are You Bored?

09/26/2014 10:17

Do you feel bored with your life?

Friend, there is so much to know! You don't have to be bored.

You have a Friend right beside you, who is your Constant Companion.  Do not ignore Him.

He knows you are bored and wants to open up a dialogue with you.  He has so much to show you.  Open your eyes!

He would suggest you turn to face Him, put all worldly things behind your back for a time and bask in the glow of the Light coming from Him.  Receive His Peace and tap into His Way.

Seek Him every day in this way and you will not be bored.

The Great King of Kings who reigns from everlasting to everlasting has chosen you to be His friend.

He will guide you into the Path of righteousness and save you from boredom. 

You will be fulfilled and never thirst again.

The world He offers is very different to this world.  Be open to receiving all He has for you.