Every Day A Gift From God

04/15/2017 21:27

Tomorrow will be Easter Sunday, the day that it was discovered that Christ had risen from the dead.

Mary Magdalene came to the sepulchure only to find Him, (Jesus) missing.

Only the burial cloths were there.

As she was leaving the garden area, on a path, she encountered Jesus in His New Spiritual Form, (risen from the dead).

For He surely was dead when they laid him in the tomb and rolled the great rock across the doorway into the channel dug for it.

As she went forward to embrace Him, He asked that she not touch Him just yet, as He had not ascended to the Father.

He instructed her to go find Peter and tell him that she had seen and spoken to Jesus, alive.

The great thing about this being recorded in the writings of the disciples is that we know He was dead but now is alive again, walking and talking as if nothng had happened.

But something significant had happened.

God had conducted a coup on satan and his demonic army.

Every day belongs to God.

He allows us to live our lives in it and works through the Holy Spirit to draw us to the Knowledge of Himself

But this day in particular tells us a lot about God.

He allowed His Son to die for the sin of the world; the past, present and future sins, of all mankind.

Someone had to pay because the Law of God, set at the beginning says there is punishment for sin.

Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the only Way He could was to take the punishment of all sin to the Cross as the Ultimate Payment for sin

Our sin, friend.

We are so unworthy of such a Great Sacrifice.

He suffered, friend. For you and me and those who came before us and those who will come after us.

And still we go on sinning. Maybe less and less, hopefully less and less; but it was a Great Price He was required to pay!

He willingly went to the slaughter with Love in His Heart and Mind for each of us individually, knowing all; asking the Father to forgive us.

He could have said, "Not that one, Father, nor that one" and no-one would have blamed Him, but no, He included all who would love Him.

It is we, ourselves who shun Him, not He who shuns us.

It's an amazing thing; and we celebrate by making memories with bunnies and eggs