God Is Excellent

12/19/2016 21:36

Friend, if God exists, don't you think He must be Excellent in every way?

If we start from this premise, and work our way back to man, and why humans exist, we would still see the excellence of God, right?

Then, by default, we humans are excellently made, in all our forms.

Colour of skin, eyes, hair, it's all Excellently thought out and designed.

The wonderful physicist Michio Kaku, has come to a great understanding of who God must be, in order for him to understand the workings of the universes. 

Michio finds Perfection and no fault in the workings of what the Christian calls Creation.

Michio and most Physicists believe they are only "reading the mind" of a Great Designer of Amazing Power and Substance who knows all things. Their discoveries are already there and have been for eons, they are just scratching the surface of what God has designed..

(Google "Michio Kaku"  and read or watch some of his conclusions as to the evidence of a Great Designer/Creator.)

Friend, this Great Designer is our Holy Almighty God of the Bible, Who placed His Word in the hearts and minds of men of His choosing, to write down the Words placed in them by the Holy Spirit, as a testimony of His Love and Power, so that seekers would be able to see and hear how much He loved them and How in control He is, and learn of His Attributes and Law. 

The list of what He has given us in the Bible, goes on and on.

The Bible has the ability to speak to each person and whilst mingling with their thoughts, allow them to see and hear Godly interpretations and warnings and advice, places deep longing and peace and joy into the spirit of a person, encourages and strengthens their faith.

Many call it the Living Word because the Words of old are relevant even today, when God is in the heart and mind of people and they revere His Word.

God wanted to leave something for those who would seek Him, to be able to learn about Him and our relationship to Him. 

And in those pages we hear that God sent His Son to earth to become a Sacrifice for the sins which are ultimately against God. God sets Law in place. He owns Law and is Law in all it's forms.

We are lawbreakers. God says and knows none of us are Good. 

God's Word plainly states we are in need of a Redeemer, a Sacrifice and Salvation.

The Son chose to be the Sacrifice for our sins, and only He can Redeem us back to the Father.

This Holy Plan for our Redemption/Salvation is another work of Excellence.

God calls us through the work of the Holy Spirit to know Him through His Son's Sacrifice.

We can know about God through admiring His Works of Excellent Creation but we come to love God through His Excellent Love for us, in that He sent His Son to suffer, paying the price, our punishments, so we had a Way to Salvation.

Because His Perfect Law calls for a banishment from His Kingdom for sin. Sin is the breaking of Holy Law and walking outside of His Will.

Inside of His Will is Holiness and outsde of His Will is evil which falls under His Justice and is being controlled within His Law.

We are undeserving in every way to be called children of God and anyone who thinks that they are deserving because of something they have done or accomplished, is deceived.

The Word of God plainly sets this fact out for us to contemplate.

Only through belief in the Son and the Sacrifice for our sin, do we become eligible to be reunited with the Father.

This is the time now, this lifetime, to acknowledge God's Truth, His Son and Law; to break free from the clutches of evil that is never going to benefit any of us.
