God's Will

06/28/2017 20:41

Friend, it is God's Will that we be born again, by the Spirit of God.

This happens when we come to the Knowledge that we are sinners and deserve nothing from God; and that He made a Way for us to be reunited with Him, through the Sacrifice of His Son, Jesus - on the Cross, for the sins of those who would recognize they have broken The Law, accept Sacrifice for those sins, and turn from old ways to walk with Jesus into the future.

It means that we realize our sins are forgiven because God made a New Covenant with us (Jesus paid the price) that is added to the Law and is Trustworthy for our Salvation.

It also means we realize that we were headed for eternal damnation but now, our sins have been forgiven, and we are new creatures in Christ Jesus.

His Blood was shed for us, and is a covering that God sees when He looks at us.

Yes, He sees the Blood of His Son covering our soul when He hears our prayers,

He will not deny us - if we do not deny Him (Jesus).

We are saved and literally born again of the Holy Spirit, because it is the Spirit Who has drawn us to Salvation.

To understand this concept we need to be like little children listening to the Father, who loves us beyond any love we could ever experience on this earth.

He is Truth and Love and will not lead us astray.

We can trust Him, He is not like our earthly parents.

He is not like satan who seeks to destroy us before we can know God and become born again. Satan puts all kinds of obstacles in our way from the moment of our birth.

He entices us down evil at every turn windy roads, along treachrous cliffs and deep oceans, pushing and shoving us, trying to trip us and plunge the dagger deep into our back.

All our past unfolds as we walk on in Christ, born again of the Spirit, and we are able to understand why, how and what, of our previous wandering in the wilderness years, along with all the head-scratching scenarios that happened!

And we see Hope in our future.

Not doom.

Many of us are baptized and dedicated in our early lives by parents who love us.

We are promised to God by loving parents but there comes a time when we are on our own and no longer under the covering or household of our parents.

This is when we need to make our own choice for or against God.

That early baptism was not a conscious choice and to be born again, we make a conscious choice for Jesus, for Forgiveness, and Salvation.

God has allowed a born again experience for everyone and it is ours to choose wiesly; for or against.

He will not force anyone to believe in Him - even though the spirit within belongs to Him.