He Knows Your Name

05/29/2022 21:27

Friend, Jesus is a Wonderful Friend.

He Loves you; but do you love Him?

He knows your name; but do you know His Names?

He has many Names. All His Names are Holy, as He is Holy.

Holiness needs to be respected.

It is not a thing of this world.

It is Pure and True.

Whole and Perfect.

Knowing all things and seeing all things.

Able to create above and beyond what man can and ever will do.

If we place a bowl full of nothing in front of the most brilliant scientist; what can he or she do with it?

What can they make from the contents of the bowl which was already made by a human.

From the nothingness in the bowl no matter how large or small, what can a human make?

God can make something from that nothingness.

That is Who God Is.

And that God knows your name.

He sees all you do.

He knows our capabilities; yet He has to observe us doing such stupid selfish things that hurt us!

He created us to be so much more than we are.

He knew our name before we were born.

He knew what our parents were thinking and He heard what they called us.

He knows, He knows everything about us.

What about you. Do you know anything about Him; except what you have just read?

Think about that!