Heart's Desire

02/03/2018 21:22

Friend, when you come to know God The Father, Jesus The Son and The Holy Spirit, you will have a desire to know Them more.

You will have a desire to understand Them; Father, Son and Spirit.

You will begin to love Them.

Jesus will write Forgiven on you, so all will know at the Judgement, that you are His, and no-one can take you from Him; being God Triune Almighty.

Is this not worth falling on your knees for, in thankfulness?

Have you had a glimpse of Their Love for you, and all that They have created?

What about Their Power?

How Magnificent are They?

And Their Justice, how Pure?

Surely you know that Glory surrounds Them?

Blessings flow from Them?

They are the Source of every language, music, all the academics and sciences at the Highest Level; do you not know?

They own all the Power.

Man's power is nothing compared to the Power of God Almighty. 

Stand up and praise Them for the Provision They have spoken over your life.

Do you understand that all good things come from God?

Oh, you provided for yourself?

Haha, how funny!

You caused all the circumstances in your life to completely come together, at precisely the right timing, with various souls involved and all that's entailed in their lives, to bring provision throughout all your life.

This is vanity and pride, my friend, and God abhors it because it deletes Him from the equasion, and this defiles your heart.

No friend, God is The Provider of all your needs.

Put Him in charge, officially.

Tell Him in prayer, that you love Him and believe that he is your Provider and that you want only to ask for what you think you need, according to His Will.

If you don't get "it" (what you asked for) then you will know that "it" was not according to His Will to give it to you at this particular time or perhaps, never at all.

But this decision of His Will, will be for the best for you.

When your heart's desire is to have His Heart's Desire, you will have harmony with the Heart and Mind of God for that aspect of your life - the will.

Get your will in line with His Will and go forth in Strength and Courage knowing He Loves you more than even your earthly parents and will guide and direct your path to bring about life fulfillment, according to his Will, which is always Good.