Our Greatest Friend

08/07/2021 15:11

A friend, we all need a friend.

A friend we can chat with to our heart's content; telling our own truths including our hurts and embarassments.

A friend understands, and is kindly to us in rebuttal or advice; even agreeing sometimes just to make us feel better.

But sometimes that friend meets someone new, and that friendship flourishes; it is new and exciting, unique and has more similarities, or perhaps that new friend is more physically accessible for our friend.

Our friendship grew stale, the world was calling one of us and we moved away.

Many things and scenarios have happened.

We are estranged from our friend and cannot have the lovely friendly intimacy we once had.

We hope to meet someone new. We mean no harm to each other and we move on.

But, sometimes one or each of us does not meet another one true friend again.

We must then remember that the Cross of Salvation is still beckoning to us; to come and kneel at the foot of the Cross and speak to our Holy Friend Who has not left us at all, even when we turned our back to Him and went our way with our earthly friend.

All those years, maybe decades, we wandered alone and bewildered without Hope, Peace and Friendship.

But today Christ Jesus is holding out His Hand to us.

He is aware of all our worries. He has seen our heartache.

He has knelt beside us while we let out our anger and bitterness.

He has whispered, " Don't forget Me. Look at The Cross. That's how much I love you."

"When you are ready, come to Me as a little child."

"Forget self-love; love Me first. Place Me as King on the Throne of your heart. Let Me guide you into Inner Joy and Peace."

"I AM your Friend for Eternity; Powerful and True."

"Walk with Me; go where I go. I will teach you by My Holy Spirit  how to stay on the Righteous Path that leads to Eternal Life with Me."

"I have wonderful and glorious things for you to see and do; and many Righteous, Forgiven souls who are your friends too."