Search me, O God

06/16/2016 10:22

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me. Psalm 139:23-24

Friend, we must ask these words of God!

We must have a heart that wants to be free from the wickedness of the world!

The world lulls us into thinking that everything it does is happening "over there", not near us but evil is rolling out it's evil snare to cover the whole earth once again.

In the days of past great massacres of peoples, evil moved with urgent purpose to win it's desire to wipe out innocents who got in their way.

Evil acheived it's purpose by indoctrinating people into thinking the world would be a better place with "those" people gone and many who would never have thought to murder a neighbour, were given license to kill their neighbours and take all their possessions includiing their businesses.


If only they had asked the Lord God first, "Search me, O God and see if there be any wicked way in me."

It is happening again today, evil has setup all over the world and is attacking earth's citizens

So today we must ask this of God; and we must listen to Him!

Evil is ramping up it's latest plot to scour the earth and show it's power to kill and destroy in order to have more power and gain dominance over the people of the earth.

But, we must not allow evil to propser.

God needs His workers to step up and be accountable.

His Word must go forth and be revealed as the answer to evil.

The Gospel of God is a Word of Peace and Light, not of war and darkness.

It shows us how to overcome evil within ourselves and how God works in those hearts to overcome evil in the world.

Allow His Light to shine in your heart and illuminate your soul.

Let the wickedness in the dark recesses be exposed to the Light and flee from your heart and mind.

His Love and Peace will seep in and fill you with a renewed outlook.

Let the healing and cleansing begin, friend!