That Cross

11/08/2021 14:52

Friend, before we become born again, we're baffled by the Cross.

Why do Christians revere "the Cross," we ask ourselves. 

Many unsaved people think that the virgin Mary, is more important than THE CROSS!

Unsaved sinner's thoughts resist bowing to anything Godly or Christian; having to do with Jesus.

This is the natural sinful way of humans since Adam and Eve fell from Grace with the Lord; taking on a sin nature by disobeying God when they partook of the fruit of the one tree in all of Eden, that was unholy. 

Every other plant food was available to them!

Many souls wish to have a life without "religion."

But, they'll happily enquire after Buddha, Mohammed, Confucious, Dalai Lama, and many other leaders of "other" thought.

Friend, do you really think these other types, who once had a soul similar to ours, are able to answer your prayers?

Can I answer your prayers?

No. Can you answer mine? None can!

The virgin Mary cannot answer our prayers because she was created by God.

The created, will never be God.  We will never earn our way to being God as many other human inspired religions teach.

Jesus is the only Intercessor to The Father for us. 

Jesus. The only One from whom God will hear our prayers.

The Holy Spirit takes our prayers to Jesus in Holy Language, and Jesus does the Intercessing to the Father,

This is possible because of The Spirit's work for us who believe; who recognise it is The Spirit's work in us, that brought us to Christ Jesus.

Prayer follows this channel to God...

We spiritually kneel at The Cross where Christ paid for our sins, acknowledging He died as a Sacrifice; a Payment for Justice regarding our life of sin on this earth in this soul. 

We speak to Jesus and The Holy Spirit interprets our deep remorse, regret, and repentance for sinning against His Holiness, causing His scars, His wounds, our Punishment to fall on Him at The Cross, where God The Father made all things new for us.

Jesus said in His last breath, "It is finished."

The chapter of man's fall from Perfection was finished at The Cross.

God's Plan is stilll unfolding to allow every sinner who is still to be born; and He knows who they are, to have the choice to accept His Son's Sacrifice and believe; to be cleansed and purified for use in The Kingdom.

Satan has recognised that if fewer souls are born then God will not accomplish His Great Plan. Satan is the evil behind abortion and has brought it to new levels in our time.

Satan hates souls of men. He wants to destroy and kill us even before we are born.

He does not want us to learn about the Cross.

Why? Because The Cross is a powerful, mighty, and brilliant piece of God's Handiwork, showing mankind His Power over evil, His Love for humans, His Truth and His Word, Jesus; and how His Law and Justice is always Righteous.

It is wise for every human to look at the Cross in wonderment.

Why would The Father require The Cross when He could just have blasted us back to atoms and started again?

Friend, He has been long-suffering towards us!