The Hardened Heart

08/29/2016 13:08

Friend, Jesus asks us to keep our hearts soft and pliable. We have not learned all we need to know. He has much to teach us.

When our heart is hardened, His Word, meant to teach, grow and enlighten, falls and is rebuffed by the hardened heart.

Perhaps the heart is hardened by sinful living. Perhaps it's hardened by difficult circumstances.

A hardened heart against God is bent on it's own destruction.

During this lifetime, it can become contrite and humble, through brokenness of the spirit that allows the Holy Spirit to renew it.

Jesus allows the hard times to occur with the Knowledge of our soul's condition, and what it needs to bring about renewal.

Sometimes, we are so wilful and so hardened to the Spirit, that we ignore and grow another crusty layer on our heart.

Is this you or do you daily confess your known and unknown sins to the Lord, asking for Godly Forgiveness?

Acknowledging that He is Lord and He knows all your sins, and that He has the Power of Forgiveness and can and will help you, is what will set you on the Path of Everlasting Life with Him Who died for your sins.

The One Who Loves, that's Jesus.

The Cross is the grandest symbol of Love. It's where Jesus fulfilled the Plan of Redemption set forth by the Father.

You can know with absolute certainty that when you pass from this life, you will be with the Lord Jesus.

What He has planned for you is not known but we can understand that He is Goodness and there is no darkness or evil in Him.

Therefore you will be at Peace. He has said in Heaven, He will wipe away all our tears. We won't have memories of bad times or bad people and what they did to us.

For those who do not accept Jesus as Lord, they will have everlasting regrets, sorrow, pain, because all the things that evil is, will not be wiped away.

Evil will reign and fear is it's means of governing.

We see it at work on the earth where it is somewhat restrained but in Hell, it will not be restrained and will reign supreme, with violence and all the ugly workings of darkness will be part of that eternal existence for the one who chose to have a hardened heart.

Many today think that there's nothing much more that evil could do to them and with their heart all closed into a tight ball, they can withstand Hell.

The devil is rolling around laughing so hard at their foolishness. How easily he has trapped them.

Friend, don't let this type of person, be you.

Take a long thoughtful look at what the Father offers you.

His Son was a Holy Sacrifice.for your sins.

Do you accept the Sacrifice?