The Proud Stiff Neck

12/12/2016 12:40

Friend, Jesus came to us as a humble babe. He could have been born to great wealth and power.

But the Father desired a humble babe to fulfil His Plan of Redemption.

Yes, Jesus could have arrived on a magnificent spaceship in great glory but the Father desired humble beginnings.

That was the first coming of the Christ of God.

The Second Coming of the Christ will be more obvious.

Those who are alive at that time will fully know Who He Is. 

There will be no doubt. The Bible says He will come in Great Glory beyond our imaginings.


Even the unbelievers will understand and be full of regret for their unbeleif.

Their necks will not be so stiff and their countenance, so proud when they look upon Him and the Great Holy Army that surrounds Him.

Many will cry because they see their fate and will remember the times they rejected the Son, didn't want to hear about Him, would not entertain a moment's sight of anything Godly.

Yes, those who booed and derided the believers will have the biggest regret. Those who believed in other ways will see their foolishness and lash out at the ones who deceived them with; fanciful lies that their willing minds lusted after; got caught in the webs of deceit for decades; fell victim to their addictions that destroyed their minds, spirits and bodies.

The pride they walked with and "taught" others will now be their undoing.

Today and every day the Mercy of God is available to all. 

Today, begin to decipher if you have pride and or a stiff neck regarding the things of Christ, the Son, Jesus.

It is a new day and anyone who finds the new Way is welcomed with Love and Compassion by the Son and Father and Spirit.

Jesus came to save the lost.

Are you lost?

Here's your prayer...